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A message from the Board of Education:


The Columbus County Schools Board of Education firmly believes in the positive nature of change as a catalyst for growth and innovation. Embracing change allows us to introduce new technologies and methodologies that enrich our educational environment. Change not only enhances our ability to meet the evolving needs of our students but also fosters a culture of resilience and adaptability within our school community. By viewing change as an opportunity rather than a challenge, we are better positioned to provide a dynamic and engaging learning experience that prepares our students for future success.

Improving morale is at the forefront of our educational endeavors, as we recognize the profound impact it has on the overall success and well-being of our students, teachers, and staff. Through open communication, teamwork, and systems that celebrate achievements, we are committed to creating a supportive and inclusive atmosphere. The Board of Education is excited about the bright future that lies ahead, filled with innovative curricula, excellent extra-curricular opportunities, and strengthened community partnerships. Together, we are building a vibrant educational environment where every individual can thrive and look forward to a promising future.






STUDENT REASSIGNMENT APPLICATIONS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR. Request must be submitted no later than July 31, 2024.

Request a reassignment for the 2024-2025 school year




Columbus County Schools has created a FREE application that allows parents to track their child’s bus. The app is available NOW! During this first phase the app may not have full functionality for all users… If you have any issues or questions, please fill out this form. Parents will need to know their child’s Student ID number. Schools are sending home information next week with all the information needed. If you know your child’s ID number, you can sign up NOW!

Please note –

1) This app tracks the BUS not individual children.
2) Your home will show “not arrived” if the bus does not stop and open the door (for example if the child is not at the road)

Need more information or have issues? Visit this site.


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